Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You've got a friend in me...

But apparently i don't have one in you...

I thought that maybe I have a twisted view on what a friend should be...

But I wikipedia'd it:
Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis.

So I'm not crazy to think that my friends would be willing to do things for me because of the affection and respect and support we have for each other. But apparently some friends don't support.
So i put my friends into 2 different categories:

My Samantha's - those that won't come to my mother's funeral

My Carrie's - those that will run through the streets of new york in the cold and snow to make it just in time for the ball to drop on new years...

On a lighter note, today i asked a friend for what i thought was going to be a small favor. but it turned into something quite complicated and he helped me out. so i thank him for that.


  1. Katie really is a Carrie. I asked her for one simple thing, even kind of in jest, and I received a package when I got home from school today :). Thanks babe!

    Carly Katherine Joy Luman--you are the best!
